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Taylor: People love to write me off and it’s great to prove them wrong

Taylor: People love to write me off and it’s great to prove them wrong

This week Phil “The Power” Taylor answered ALL of the best questions from fans on Twitter…

Q: @DRB88 Do u believe that your new target darts will eventually allow you to play better than ever?

Phil Says: I think I can be better than ever. I’m already improving all the time with them and working really hard.


Q: @ItsRupen Are your new darts the best you’ve thrown & are you going to keep changing in the future?

Phil Says: They’re brilliant darts and at the moment they are the best I’ve thrown, but I’ll never stop trying to improve – I never have!


Q: @sidecarteam33 Bobby George once beat me playing on one knee. Is it true you are so good, if you sent your darts through the post, you’d win?

Phil Says: Haha, you can’t be much good can you? I don’t throw off my knees, but I seem to do okay.


Q: ‏@Kev180hamilton Why change your darts so often? If it’s not broke, don’t fix it…

Phil Says: I’ve always been one for trying to improve myself and my game and I’ll probably always be like that.


Q: @Jameser92 Which of your 16 world titles was most satisfying?

Phil Says: To match Eric’s record of five was a big achievement, and then ten and 15 were big. And the 16th was very memorable too.


Q: @JohnnyGlen Phil what would you say was the most exhilarating PDC Champion final match you played in ?

Phil Says: I’m lucky to have had some great matches, like sudden death with Kevin Painter, but probably beating MvG in 2013.


Q: @GraemeNFFC Why didn’t you let your daughter play the last round on family fortunes? She was the best player!

Phil Says: Haha I wish I had now! I’ll never ask Wayne again, I tell you that!


Q: @GAislingstano Do u think u stand a chance when u play me in Maynooth, Kildare on Sunday! Cannot wait!!

Phil Says: Bring it on! You’ll have to be ready though – hope you enjoy it.


Q: @rob_180 What’s your favourite thing to go in or with an oatcake phil?

Phil Says: Bacon and egg – lovely!


Q: ‏@rrwdft When are you gonna retire from darts and how many more world titles do you want?

Phil Says: I’m looking at another four or five years as long as my health’s ok, and I’m trying to win everything I can!


Q: @jamesfrizzell1 What the best game you’ve been involved in.

Phil Says: Probably the Grand Slam semi-final with Adrian Lewis last year, That was a cracker.


Q: @damhnaic  What is the best game you have played and against who?

Phil Says: Average-wise was 118 against Kevin Painter in the UK Open but probably the Grand Slam semi with Adrian.


Q: @Allen83hayes Do you laugh at people wen they say “he aint the king of darts anymore” ? how many titles ?

Phil Says: People love to write me off and it’s great to prove them wrong! I’m trying to win every tournament I enter.


Q: @moss2415 Is MvG the toughest opponent you have faced?

Phil Says: MvG’s brilliant and I love playing him, but down the years there’s been other people too like Dennis, John Part & Barney.


Q: @neillybhoy68 How often do u practice and do you never get bored ?

Phil Says: I practice every day, and it’s important to vary what you do sometimes, but I love it.


Q: ‏@JozefChapman92 How good are you with your left hand?

Phil Says: Not very good. I had to play left-handed on a radio show once and was awful!


Q: @DRennie180 Who’s better on their day? Adrian Lewis or MVG?

Phil Says: They’re both brilliant and it’s hard to say. I’ve seen them both do some amazing things.


Q: @wrightdaz Phil is this your last year playing

Phil Says: No, I’ve just signed a five-year contract with Target Darts and as long as I’m healthy I plan to play until then.


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