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Data: Seven out of 10 sports bettors use Twitter for tips and information

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The social media company claims seven out of 10 sports bettors use Twitter for their betting needs. This includes looking for predictions, engaging in sports discussions and sharing memes. 

Twitter claims the volume of bettor-focused content and the quality of sports-related tweets has dramatically increased over the past few years, with sports betting now legal across many US states.  

Betting on sports is no longer seen as taboo says Twitter, owing to its increased legalisation across the US. 

According to the company, 72% of bettors check the site to follow the status of a live bet, while staying up to speed on sports influencers’ opinions/predictions, injury reports and updates, odds, team stats and lineups. 

Twitter also says it has helped attract a “premium sports betting audience,” having a direct influence on their betting decisions.  

Supposedly, sports bettors that use Twitter spend 15% more on bets annually than those who don’t. And 62% of bettors on Twitter place wagers weekly, according to the social media company. 

Furthermore, 33% of bettors say they wouldn’t wager at all were it not for Twitter’s content and the conversation it drives around a variety of popular sports, while 36% use Twitter exclusively for sports-related news. 

A supposed 65% of bettors on Twitter are motivated to place a bet on a big sporting event that is dominating the online conversation too. 

Twitter also seems to be attracting the next generation of sports bettors, with 51% of bettors on Twitter saying they only started betting on sports within the last two years.  

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