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BOS report shows 77% online channelisation rate in Sweden

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The Swedish Trade Association for Online Gambling (BOS) has posted a new report that showcases channelisation statistics across the country.

As per the report, conducted by Skop on behalf of BOS, Sweden’s online market has an overall channelisation rate of 77%.

Skop interviewed 9,850 people, of which it found that circa 3,000 of them partook in online gambling at least once per quarter.

Breaking down the 77% channelisation p of the people that took part in the survey, 2,439 (representing the 77%) knew the website had a Swedish gambling licence and bet SEK 467,287 ($43,754).

Meanwhile, 163 (very honest) individuals knew the operator they used didn’t have a licence in Sweden – representing 11% of the people spoken to – placing SEK 64,223 in total bets.

The sports betting market had the highest online rate in the country, sitting at 84%. Meanwhile, online casino rates fell below that at 72%.  

Finally, making up the last 12% was people that didn’t know if the website they used had a licence when betting with it. In total, 302 people admitted to betting SEK 73,611 during that period.

The questions asked of the participants included: ‘When you last gambled online, was it through a website that you knew had a Swedish gambling license?’ and ‘If you think of the last time you gambled online, how much did you bet?’

The Swedish Government’s goal is to hit a rate of 90% – similar to that of neighbours Denmark – meaning that the reported 77% rate is too low.

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